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Svyatoslav Stepanov
Svyatoslav Stepanov

The Motivation Breakthrough PDF: 6 Secrets to Turn Your Child On to Learning

The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning On the Tuned-Out Child by Richard Lavoie

If you have a child with learning disabilities, you know how hard it can be to motivate them to learn and achieve. You may have tried different methods and strategies, but nothing seems to work. You may have wondered if there is something wrong with your child, or with yourself.

the motivation breakthrough pdf download

But don't despair. There is hope. There is a way to turn on the tuned-out child and help them reach their full potential. And it's not as complicated as you may think.

In this article, I'm going to introduce you to a book that will change your perspective on motivation and show you how to apply it to your child's situation. The book is called The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning On the Tuned-Out Child by Richard Lavoie, a renowned educator and author who has decades of experience in working with children with learning disabilities.

This book will teach you how to identify your child's motivational style, how to use it effectively, how to avoid common pitfalls and myths, how to collaborate with teachers and parents, and how to learn from the masters of motivation: advertisers.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what motivates your child, and how you can use that knowledge to help them succeed and thrive.

The six motivational styles: How to identify and use them

One of the main insights of this book is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to motivation. Different children have different needs, preferences, and personalities that affect how they respond to various stimuli and incentives. Therefore, it is essential to know your child's motivational style, so you can tailor your strategies accordingly.

Lavoie identifies six motivational styles that are based on psychological theories and research. They are:

The praise style: How to motivate kids who need recognition and approval

Some children are motivated by praise. They crave positive feedback and validation from others. They want to hear that they are doing well, that they are smart, talented, or beautiful. They want to impress their parents, teachers, peers, or anyone else they care about.

To motivate kids with the praise style, you need to:

  • Give genuine and specific praise for their efforts, progress, and achievements.

  • Avoid overpraising or insincere praising that may undermine their confidence or make them dependent on external approval.

  • Help them develop a growth mindset that values learning over performance.

  • Encourage them to set realistic and attainable goals and celebrate their accomplishments.

  • Model self-praise and self-acceptance and teach them how to do the same.

The power style: How to motivate kids who need control and autonomy

Some children are motivated by power. They want to have a sense of control and autonomy over their lives. They want to make their own decisions, choices, and plans. They want to have a voice and a say in what they do and how they do it.

To motivate kids with the power style, you need to:

  • Give them opportunities to exercise their independence and responsibility.

  • Offer them choices and options whenever possible and respect their preferences.

  • Involve them in setting rules, expectations, and consequences and hold them accountable for their actions.

  • Encourage them to express their opinions, ideas, and feelings and listen to them attentively.

  • Help them develop leadership skills and confidence and support their initiatives.

The attachment style: How to motivate kids who need connection and belonging

Some children are motivated by attachment. They want to feel connected and accepted by others. They want to have meaningful relationships with their family, friends, teachers, and classmates. They want to be part of a group, a team, or a community.

To motivate kids with the attachment style, you need to:

  • Show them that you care about them and that you are there for them.

  • Build trust and rapport with them and create a safe and supportive environment.

  • Encourage them to socialize and cooperate with others and foster a sense of belonging.

  • Help them develop empathy, compassion, and social skills and teach them how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

  • Recognize their contributions and achievements and celebrate their successes as a group.

The fun style: How to motivate kids who need enjoyment and excitement

Some children are motivated by fun. They want to have fun and enjoy what they do. They want to be entertained, amused, and stimulated. They want to experience variety, novelty, and challenge. They want to laugh, play, and explore.

To motivate kids with the fun style, you need to:

  • Make learning fun and engaging by using games, activities, stories, humor, music, art, or technology.

  • Provide them with opportunities to explore their interests, passions, and talents.

  • Challenge them with tasks that are appropriate for their level of ability and that require creativity, problem-solving, or critical thinking.

  • Allow them to have some downtime and relaxation time where they can unwind and recharge.

  • Praise their efforts, progress, and achievements and reward them with fun incentives or privileges.

The token style: How to motivate kids who need rewards and incentives

Some children are motivated by tokens. They want to receive rewards and incentives for their behavior or performance. They want to get something tangible or intangible that they value or desire. They want to earn points, stickers, prizes, money, grades, certificates, or praise.

To motivate kids with the token style, you need to:

  • Use rewards and incentives that are meaningful, relevant, and appealing to them.

  • Make sure that the rewards and incentives are contingent on specific criteria or standards that are clear, fair, and consistent.

  • Avoid using rewards or incentives that are too frequent, too easy, or too extrinsic that may undermine their intrinsic motivation or sense of competence.

  • Help them develop self-motivation and self-regulation skills by gradually fading out the rewards or incentives over time.

  • Teach them the value of delayed gratification and long-term goals over immediate rewards or short-term gains.

The fear style: How to motivate kids who need consequences and challenges

Some children are motivated by fear. They want to avoid negative consequences or outcomes for their behavior or performance. They want to prevent pain, loss, failure, rejection, criticism, or punishment. They want to overcome obstacles, difficulties, or risks.

To motivate kids with the fear style, you need to:

  • Use consequences that are logical, natural, or reasonable for their actions or inactions.

  • Make sure that the consequences are proportional, predictable, and enforceable that are not too harsh or too lenient.

  • Avoid using threats or punishments that are coercive, abusive, or humiliating that may damage their self-esteem or relationship with you.

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